Best Indian Blogs to Transform Your Cultural Perspective


Indian blogs

India is a treasure trove of blogging talent, covering everything from tech to tantalizing dishes. Best Indian blogs rise above the rest, offering information and an exceptional experience.

Finding these standout blogs among the countless available is no small feat, and I can vouch for that from personal experience. But don’t worry; I’ve got you covered with a well-curated list to help you zero in on the blogs that truly matter.

Knowing which Indian blogs to follow can enrich your knowledge and offer insights into a side hustle or your next big venture. So, are you ready to discover some amazing publishers?

What You Will Learn

  • Indian blogs cover many topics, including technologyfoodpersonal finance, and more.
  • Some of the top Indian blogs to follow in 2024 include:

Top Indian Blogs to Follow in 2024

The top Indian blogs to follow in 2024. by Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, the man behind, says his blog is a top choice for tech buffs. He specializes in writing about how-to guides and tips.

His work with plugins and Chrome extensions has garnered attention. According to Amit, his blog is among the leading technology blogs in India, covering essential technology subjects.

He advises technology entrepreneurs and bloggers to watch his posts for the latest industry trends and guides. by Shardha Sharma

Shradha Sharma, the founder of, started the blog in 2008 to share stories of everyday people. She states it is now a leading blog for startups and entrepreneurs in India.

According to Shradha, offers news, tips, and more for business owners, making it a top pick for Indian blogs to follow.

She says the content on aims to uplift its readers, featuring tales of individuals forging their own paths to success. Her mission is to give a voice to those often overlooked. by Harsh Agrawal

Harsh Agrawal, the founder of, launched the blog in 2008. He states it’s a top blog in India and a must-read for bloggers and anyone interested in creating money-making sites.

According to Harsh, the site serves up handy tips on blogging, earning money online, and website setup. Harsh is also considered one of the big names among Indian bloggers.

He feels his success story can bring hope to any new blogger looking to make it big in the blogging community. Both newcomers and those experienced in blogging can find valuable insights from his posts. by Pardeep Goyal

Pardeep Goyal, a Certified Financial Planner, runs He states that his blog is one of the top Indian blogs to follow.

On, he offers valuable tips and strategies for saving money, managing your budget, and creating wealth. Whether you’re seeking advice on earning potential or looking for financial education, Pardeep suggests his blog covers various topics, such as making money online, investing in the stock market, and more.

He invites you to visit to gain insights into personal finance management and discover ways to achieve financial independence. by Prabhudesai

Prabhudesai, the founder of, says his blog is one of the top Indian blogs to follow. Based in Pune, he is a famous blogger and the founder of

The blog focuses on India’s startup ecosystem, entrepreneurship, and business news. Since its launch in 2007, has published over 20,000 articles and, according to him, has become India’s most-read business blog.

If you’re looking for authentic tech articles and online publishing about Indian businesses, Prabhudesai suggests that is definitely worth following. by Raju PP

Raju PP, the man behind, states that his site is a popular online tech magazine in India. He holds an engineering degree in electronics and formerly worked as a technical specialist at a leading IT firm.

According to Raju, is considered India’s favorite online tech magazine, providing articles and information about technology. For those interested in tech news, reviews, and informative articles about the latest gadgets and innovations, Raju PP suggests following

He says they cover everything from smartphones and laptops to software updates and industry trends, aiming to keep readers informed with reliable tech content. by Imran Uddin

Imran Uddin, the man behind, says his blog is one of the top Indian blogs to follow in 2024.

As an engineering student and part-time blogger, he focuses on blogging tips, how-to guides, and making money online.

For Imran, blogging is a hobby and a full-time business. He assures that if you’re looking for valuable insights and information on the blogging industry, is the place to go. by Archana Doshi

Archana Doshi started in November 2007 as a platform for food and recipe discovery. She aims to inspire people to cook delicious, nutritious meals at home.

Archana says the blog offers various recipes and video tutorials catering to different tastes and dietary preferences. Since its inception, she states that has become one of the most popular cooking websites globally, with millions of people finding cooking inspiration on her platform.

For those interested in culinary websites and cooking tips, she invites you to check out for all your food-related needs. by Varun Krishnan

Varun Krishnan, the editor-in-chief of, mentions that the blog focuses on mobile phones and gadgets. Varun says that FoneArena aims to assist consumers with their mobile phone and gadget-related needs in developed and developing countries.

According to Varun, the blog has established itself as one of India’s most significant gadget-related blogs. He adds that if you’re interested in technology, mobile devices, gadgets, smartphone reviews, tech news, or anything related to the mobile phone industry, is definitely worth following. by Anil Agarwal

Anil Agarwal shares that his blog,, is one of India’s top blogs, generating over 2.3 million views and $13,000 per month.

As a full-time blogger, affiliate marketer, and SEO expert, Anil offers valuable blogging tips, SEO advice, and money-making strategies.

According to Anil, the blog covers topics like website traffic generation, online marketing techniques, monetization strategies, search engine optimization (SEO), content creation tips, digital advertising insights, and affiliate marketing guidance.

What We Can Learn from These Indian Bloggers

What we can learn from these Indian bloggers
What we can learn from these Indian bloggers

As bloggers or entrepreneurs, we can learn valuable lessons from these Indian bloggers. One important lesson is the power of self-teaching and determination. Many successful bloggers started with little to no formal education in blogging or writing, yet they have become experts in their fields.

Another lesson is the importance of finding your niche and specializing in it. These Indian bloggers have found their unique areas of expertise, whether technology, food, personal finance, or lifestyle.

By focusing on a specific topic, they have attracted a dedicated audience and established themselves as authorities in their respective industries.

Furthermore, these bloggers emphasize the need for quality content. They consistently provide valuable information that resonates with their readers and keeps them returning.

Their success proves that creating high-quality content is crucial for building a loyal following and growing your blog.

Lastly, these Indian bloggers demonstrate the potential for monetization through blogging. Many have turned their blogs into profitable businesses by leveraging various income streams like sponsored posts, advertisements, affiliate marketing, and even creating and selling digital products.

Overall, learning from these Indian bloggers teaches us the importance of perseverance, finding our niche, delivering quality content consistently​​​ ​, and exploring different avenues to monetize our blogs successfully​​​.

Criteria for Being the Best Bloggers in India

To be considered one of the best bloggers in India, you must meet certain criteria. Here are some important factors:

  1. Authenticity: The best Indian bloggers have a unique voice and writing style that sets them apart.
  2. Expertise: They possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in their chosen niche or subject matter.
  3. Consistency: Regularly publishing high-quality content is crucial for building a loyal readership and gaining recognition.
  4. Engagement: Successful bloggers actively engage with their audience through comments, social media, and email newsletters.
  5. Unique Perspective: They offer fresh insights, opinions, or perspectives on topics to captivate and inspire their readers.
  6. Trustworthiness: Being transparent and trustworthy builds credibility with your audience, leading to long-term success.
  7. Adaptability: Top bloggers keep up with the latest trends, technologies, and changes in the blogging industry to stay relevant.
  8. Networking Skills: Building connections within the blogging community helps expand the reach and opens up new opportunities.

Remember that being the best blogger does not mean having millions of followers or making the most money; it’s about delivering value consistently while maintaining authenticity and engaging with your audience effectively.

How Indian Bloggers Make Money

Want to know how Indian bloggers earn money? Let’s look at the different ways they turn their blogs into income.

Top Indian blogs to follow
Top Indian blogs to follow

Advertising and Sponsorships

Bloggers in India often make money through advertising and sponsorships. They show ads on their websites and team up with companies for sponsored content, like product reviews. They get paid based on how many people click or look at these ads.

The Power of Affiliate Marketing

Another popular way to earn is affiliate marketing. Bloggers talk up products and get a cut for each sale made through their unique links. If many people read and trust the blog, this can make a lot of money.

Selling Digital Products

Some bloggers also sell e-books, online courses, or special members-only sites. These offer value to the readers and bring in steady money for the blogger.

Securing Paid Partnerships

Many bloggers also get paid partnerships with companies. They might collaborate on social media ads, special events, or other projects. This gives them another way to earn money.

Ultimately, Indian bloggers have many ways to make their blogs pay off. A blog can become a real money-making job with smart planning and hard work.

Benefits of Following Indian Blogs

Best Indian blogs
best Indian blogs

Following Indian blogs can enrich your understanding of various topics, from tech trends to culinary arts. Knowing the benefits will help you choose which blogs to follow for valuable insights and knowledge. Let’s get to it.

Engaging With a Community

When you follow Indian blogs, you’re not just a reader; you become part of a community. These blogs connect you with folks who have the same interests as you do. You gain valuable knowledge about Indian traditions, tourist spots, and much more.

Expanding Your Horizons

Indian bloggers offer unique views that can widen your thinking. Plus, you can keep tabs on what’s new and trending in India. This keeps you informed about the latest happenings. Many bloggers in India have turned their passion into thriving businesses.

Opportunities for Networking

Following them could also be your ticket to making valuable connections. It’s not just about reading articles; it’s about growing your network. You’re not just getting information; you’re getting a real-life look at Indian culture and traditions.

A Closer Look at Indian Culture

These blogs let you delve deep into what makes India unique, from food to festivals. In a nutshell, Indian blogs offer tons of perks. You feel like you’re part of a community, learn new things, stay updated, and even make some friends in the industry. Plus, you get an authentic glimpse of Indian life straight from the people who live it daily.

Finding Indian Blogs to Follow

To find Indian blogs to follow, utilize search engines with specific keywords related to your interest and add “Indian blog” for targeted results. Blog directories categorize blogs by country and subject, offering another discovery avenue. Social media platforms and online forums can provide additional recommendations.


In conclusion, Indian blogs offer a wealth of diverse and engaging content across a range of topics, including technology, food, and personal development. By following these blogs, you can learn from the experiences and expertise of influential Indian bloggers making waves in the blogging community.

So why wait? Start exploring the best Indian blogs today and unlock a world of knowledge and inspiration!


What are Indian blogs?

Indian blogs are online platforms where writers from India or those focusing on Indian topics publish articles, opinions, and multimedia content. These blogs span various subjects, including technology, food, travel, and lifestyle. They serve as a digital medium for sharing insights, news, and cultural narratives.

How can I find Indian blogs on a specific topic?

To find Indian blogs on a specific topic, use search engines with targeted keywords like “Indian food blogs” or “Indian tech blogs.” Utilize blog directories and aggregators that categorize Indian blogs by subject. Social media platforms and online forums can also offer recommendations for specialized Indian blogs.

Can anyone start an Indian blog?

Anyone can start an Indian blog, regardless of nationality or location. The primary requirement is a focus on Indian topics or audiences. Various platforms like WordPress and Blogger offer free and paid blog launch options. Technical skills, while helpful, are not mandatory.

Are there different types of Indian blogs?

Indian blogs are diverse, covering various subjects such as technology, food, travel, lifestyle, and politics. They can be personal diaries, professional publications, or collaborative platforms. Formats vary from text-based articles to multimedia content like videos and podcasts.

How can I stay updated with new posts on my favorite Indian blogs?

To stay updated with new posts on your favorite Indian blogs, subscribe to their newsletters or RSS feeds. Many blogs offer email notifications for new content. Additionally, following these blogs on social media platforms can provide real-time updates on newly published articles.

Blog Niches
Photo of author


Eric Melillo is a HubSpot-certified digital marketer with over 25 years of experience and a co-founder of an international digital agency that has amassed $100MM in revenue across hundreds of brands. Recognized in Entrepreneur and Forbes, he's a respected industry leader. Eric is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to build financial security through blogging and affiliate marketing.