
We love hearing from you! If you have a question, suggestion, or media inquiry, we’re always happy to help. Please leave your message below, and we’ll aim to respond within 2 business days. We look forward to connecting soon!


Feel free to email us. Please use one of these addresses to ensure your message reaches the right person.
Be respectful – don’t email all addresses.

General Inquiries

Or simply use our contact form. We’ll do our best to respond to your email within 24-48 hours.

Phone & Address

Eric Melillo Ventures
1204 Main Street Suite 618
Branford, CT 06405 USA


We appreciate your interest and are always here to assist you. Before reaching out to us, please take a moment to see if your question is answered below:

Can I suggest a topic for you to cover in a blog post?

Absolutely! We value the insights and suggestions of our readers. If you have a topic in mind that you think we should cover, please send us an email at [email protected]. While we can’t promise to cover every suggested topic, we seriously consider all recommendations.

Can I write a guest post for your blog?

We’re always excited to feature new voices and perspectives on our blog. If you’re interested in contributing, email [email protected] with details about your background and the topic you wish to explore. All submissions are subject to approval by our editorial team.

How can I become an affiliate for your products or courses?

If you want to become an affiliate, we’d love to have you on board! Please send your application to [email protected]. Our team will review your application and respond accordingly.

Do you offer discounts for your courses or ebooks?

Yes, we periodically offer discounts and promotions. Make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter and following us on social media to stay updated on the latest deals.

How do I advertise my product or service on your website?

For advertising opportunities, please email us at [email protected]. We offer a variety of advertising options that can be customized to fit your needs.

How can I support your website and content?

We’re thrilled you want to support us! You can help in several ways:
– Sharing our articles and courses on social media.
– Using our affiliate links when making purchases (at no extra cost to you).
– Providing constructive feedback via [email protected].

Still Have Questions?

If your question isn’t addressed here, feel free to use our contact form. We’re eager to hear from you!