How to End a Blog Post: 5 Pro Writer Tricks for the Best Conclusions


how to end a blog post

Every blogger knows that beginning a piece is critical, but how many pay attention to how they wrap it up? Drawing your reader to the end of a post with a thought-provoking finale can make the difference between a memorable read and a quick, forgotten scroll. Here, we shed light on the art of ending a blog post effectively, leaving your reader enriched and eager for more.

As an experienced blogger, I’ve seen firsthand how a well-crafted conclusion can ignite conversation, foster deeper understanding, and create a lasting impression. And while it’s easy to focus on catchy headlines and engaging content, ending on a high note is just as crucial. This often-overlooked aspect of blogging holds a hidden power – a power that I’m excited to share with you.

Now, you might wonder what benefits await you. By mastering how to end a blog post, you’ll tap into a new skill set that can elevate your blogging game. You’ll see how a powerful ending can inspire readers to engage, share, and return, making your blog a go-to resource in your field. So, let’s dive into the essence of compelling blog post endings, shall we?

Benefits of Effective Blog Post Endings

Crafting compelling blog post endings is an art that can lead to many benefits. Mastering the art of writing conclusions is essential for leaving readers with a main takeaway and creating a cliffhanger. Invest time in perfecting your conclusion for maximum impact.

  1. Driving Conversions: Effective endings can be the final push that encourages readers to take action, from signing up for a newsletter to making a purchase or even sharing the content. You actively guide your audience toward the desired outcome by incorporating a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end.
  2. Building Trust and Credibility: A well-crafted conclusion imprints a lasting impression on readers, reinforcing their belief in your expertise. It reassures them that they’ve wisely invested time in reading your piece. By delivering valuable information from start to finish, you establish yourself as a reliable font of knowledge.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

  1. Encouraging Content Sharing: Readers are more inclined to share posts that satisfy and inspire them. An impactful wrap-up increases the chances of your post making rounds on social media or being recommended to peers.
  2. Boosting Engagement and Repeat Visits: Engaging endings have a magnetic pull. When readers reach the end of a post and feel captivated by the conclusion, they’re more likely to explore other articles on your site. This elevates traffic and boosts engagement levels, paving the way for return visits.

To summarize, nailing the ending of your blog post is not an aspect to overlook. It’s an opportunity to drive action, build trust, promote sharing, and stimulate repeat engagement. This article emphasizes the importance of crafting a strong conclusion that encourages readers to take action and share your content on Pinterest. Additionally, it highlights the value of including handpicked related content to provide further value to your readers. Remember always to credit the image source for any visuals used in your blog post.

10 Ideas for effective blog post conclusions

  1. Summarize the main points: A great way to end a blog post is by summarizing the key takeaways or main points discussed in the article. This helps reinforce the main message and ensures readers remember the important information.
  2. Offer a call to action: Encourage readers to take action by providing a clear call to action at the end of your blog post. This could be signing up for a newsletter, downloading a free resource, or leaving a comment.
  3. Ask a thought-provoking question: Engage your readers by ending your blog post with a thought-provoking question. This encourages them to reflect on the topic and can spark further discussion in the comments section.
  4. Share personal anecdotes or stories: Ending your blog post with a personal anecdote or story can create a connection with your readers. It adds a human touch to your content and makes it more relatable.
  5. Provide additional resources: If your blog post covers a complex topic or leaves readers wanting more information, consider providing additional resources at the end. This could be links to related articles, books, or websites that can further expand on the topic.
  6. Offer a teaser for future content: Keep your readers engaged by teasing upcoming content or topics you will cover in future blog posts. This builds anticipation and encourages readers to stay connected with your blog.
  7. Include a relevant quote: Ending your blog post with a relevant quote can leave a lasting impression on your readers. Choose a quote that aligns with the main theme of your post and adds a sense of authority or inspiration.
  8. Provide a takeaway or lesson learned: Share a valuable takeaway or lesson learned from your own experience or research. This gives readers something to think about and provides practical insights they can apply.
  9. Encourage social sharing: Include social sharing buttons at the end of your blog post to make it easy for readers to share.
  10. Provide a step-by-step guide: End your blog post with a step-by-step guide or actionable tips that readers can follow to implement the information discussed in the article. This provides practical guidance and helps readers apply the knowledge they gained from your post.

How to write blog post conclusions

To write a blog post conclusion, summarize the main points of your post, offer practical next steps or key takeaways for the reader, and include a compelling call to action. The aim is to provide value to your audience while leaving a lasting impression.

Summarizing Main Points and Reinforcing Message

As the curtain draws on your blog post, summarizing can play a powerful role in reinforcing your message. Ensuring your audience has well-articulated and received your key takeaways is vital. Here’s how summarizing can help: it can reinforce your message and make it easier for readers to understand and remember the main points of your article. Pinterest can also be a useful tool for sharing your summarized content. If you have any questions about summarizing effectively, feel free to ask for help.

  1. Emphasizing Key Ideas: By offering a succinct recap of your main points, you underline the vital ideas discussed in your blog post. This helps your readers easily digest and remember the most impactful aspects of your content.
  2. Reinforcing Your Message: It’s essential to echo your core message in your conclusion to leave a lasting imprint on your readers. A clear and concise reiteration of your key points can be the driving force that cements the impact of your message.
  3. Clarifying Complex Ideas: A well-structured summary can unravel intricate ideas and present them in a digestible format. This makes it convenient for readers to review the main points without getting overwhelmed by lengthy explanations or detailed arguments.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” – Mark Twain

  1. Enhancing Readability: Consider using bullet lists or numbered lists to spotlight each main point covered in your blog. This not only aids comprehension but also simplifies navigation through your content.
  2. Structuring Your Summary: Adhering to a simple structure, such as beginning with an introductory sentence followed by bulleted points, can lead to an organized and engaging summary. Infusing relevant examples or case studies can add depth and lend real-world context to your post.

Summarizing the main points and reinforcing your message is a powerful tool in your blogging arsenal. It ensures that your readers grasp the crux of your content and leaves a lasting impression, cementing your post’s impact. Additionally, including an image source can enhance the visual appeal of your blog post.

Encouraging Reader Interaction with Thoughtful Questions

Asking thought-provoking questions at the end of your blog post is a powerful way to prompt readers to engage in discussions. You invite them to reflect on the content and share their experiences by posing intriguing queries. This encourages reader participation and fosters a sense of community around your blog. Additionally, it is important to include the image source for any visuals used in your blog post.

Open-ended questions work particularly well in this blog article as they encourage comments and allow readers to provide their unique insights. When you ask for their opinions or thoughts, it shows that you value their input and appreciate their perspectives. For example, at the blog ending, you can ask an open-ended question to engage your readers.

  • What are your thoughts on [topic]?
  • Have you ever experienced [situation]? If so, how did you handle it? Don’t forget to credit the image source and stay tuned for more updates in our blog ending.
  • Can you share any tips or advice related to [subject]? Also, could you please provide the image source for this blog ending?

By using engaging questions, you create an opportunity for readers to participate actively rather than passively consume your content. It transforms the reading experience into a two-way conversation where both parties contribute and learn from each other. Additionally, including relevant image sources enhances the overall engagement and visual appeal of your content.

Encouraging readers to answer your questions and leave comments builds a vibrant community around your blog. People can connect with one another through shared experiences or different viewpoints, fostering meaningful discussions that extend beyond the original post. Additionally, providing an image source adds credibility to your blog content.

Teasing Future Content for Continued Engagement

Hinting at upcoming topics and providing a sneak peek into what’s coming up generates curiosity among readers. Teasing future content creates anticipation and builds excitement, making readers interested and coming back for more. It allows you to establish yourself as an authority on a particular subject matter. Additionally, including the image source in your content can enhance your credibility and provide valuable context for your readers.

Consider the following strategies to keep your audience engaged and eagerly awaiting your next post. One important strategy is always to credit your image source.

  • Tease on social media: Share snippets or hints about your upcoming content on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Create intrigue by asking questions or sharing intriguing facts about your next topic.
  • Offer exclusive content: Provide a content offer, such as an ebook, checklist, or template that relates to your upcoming post. This entices readers and helps you capture their email addresses for future engagement through newsletters.
  • Create suspenseful headlines: Craft attention-grabbing headlines that hint at the exciting information you’ll share in your next blog post. Use words like “revealed,” “unveiled,” or “coming soon” to build anticipation.
  • Engage with comments: Respond to comments on your blog posts and converse with your readers. When appropriate, drop subtle hints about what they can expect from your future content.
  • Share behind-the-scenes glimpses: Take readers behind the scenes of your writing process by sharing photos or short videos of you researching or brainstorming ideas for upcoming posts. This personal touch makes them feel involved in the creation process.

By employing these tactics, such as using captivating images from a reliable image source, you’ll keep readers hooked and eager for more of your valuable insights. Remember, building anticipation is key to maintaining continued engagement with your audience.

Next week: Discover how to leverage social media effectively for maximum blog exposure! Stay tuned for tips on finding and using the best image sources.

Mastering Calls to Action for Effective Blog Conclusions

Calls to action (CTAs) are critical when concluding a blog post. A well-tailored and clear CTA can direct readers toward the desired actions, effectively driving reader engagement and interaction. CTAs should always be clear, specific, and relevant to the content topic, increasing the likelihood of eliciting the response you seek.

It’s essential to align your CTAs with the outcomes you desire. If you aim to grow your email list, encourage readers to subscribe. Similarly, if you seek more comments on your posts, invite readers to share their thoughts and opinions.

Remember, language plays a key role in crafting persuasive CTAs. Go beyond simply asking readers to subscribe or comment. Instead, consider phrases like “Join our exclusive community” or “Share your thoughts and be part of the conversation.” This kind of language speaks directly to the reader’s emotions and encourages further engagement.

Some examples of tailored CTAs are:

  • Subscribe now for weekly updates on [content topic].
  • Share this post with your friends who would find it helpful.
  • Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.
  • Join our email list for exclusive tips and insights on [content topic].

Implementing these guidelines can enhance your CTA’s effectiveness:

  1. Use actionable language: Incorporate strong verbs and persuasive words. For instance, instead of saying, “If you enjoyed this post, consider subscribing,” use “Subscribe now for exclusive updates.”
  2. Clearly state the following steps: Ensure your readers know exactly what you expect them to do after finishing the blog post.
  3. Make it easy for readers: Provide clickable buttons or links that lead directly to the desired action. This makes the process seamless for your audience.
  4. Offer value or incentives: Give your readers a reason to act by offering something valuable in return. This could be an e-book, a free course, or access to exclusive content.
  5. End with a cliffhanger or teaser: Hint at what’s next on your blog or website. This creates anticipation and encourages continued engagement.

A well-crafted CTA leaves a lasting impression and maximizes your content’s reach. And though AI copywriters can assist in the process, remember that your language’s unique human touch can create compelling calls to action. Now, armed with this knowledge, start implementing these tips in your blog post conclusions!

Directing Readers to Additional Resources

Adding links or references to further readings or related articles within your blog post undeniably adds value to your readers’ experience. It enhances their understanding of the subject matter, and citing credible external sources supports your arguments, showcasing the meticulous research undertaken.

Let’s explore some effective ways to guide your readers to related content:

  1. Interweaving Handpicked Related Articles: Strategically place links to pertinent articles within your blog post. These could offer varied viewpoints, delve deeper into specific points, or supplement your post with additional data.
  2. Creating a Dedicated Resource Section: A dedicated section at the end of your blog post specifically for suggested resources can be beneficial. This area could showcase a curated roster of articles, guides, or downloadable templates that enhance the reader’s knowledge bank and provide them with actionable tools.
  3. Acknowledging Image Sources: Providing appropriate attribution is essential when using images from other resources in your blog post. It demonstrates respect for original work and allows readers to explore those sources further if they wish to.
  4. Offering Tailored Recommendations: Tailor your recommended resources with your audience in mind. Predict what kind of information would be most beneficial and relevant to them. For instance, if you’re crafting a tutorial-style blog post, adding supportive materials like step-by-step guides can significantly augment the reader’s learning journey.

In the words of Igor Stravinsky:

“I have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to founts of wisdom and knowledge.”

Summary and Final Tips for Writing Powerful Conclusions

You’ve written an engaging and informative blog post, but the question lingers – how to end a blog post? A powerful conclusion is more than just a summary; it’s your final chance to make an impact. A clear, concise wrap-up can fortify your key points, resonating with your readers and nudging them towards your desired action.

To craft this powerful ending, remember to summarize your main points and use examples that speak to your audience. An effective call-to-action can inspire engagement, whether signing up for a newsletter or exploring more resources. Don’t forget subtlety is key when promoting your products or services, and a sneak peek into future content keeps your readers hooked.


How long should a blog post conclusion be?

A blog post conclusion typically ranges from 100 to 150 words. However, it can be more if needed. The conclusion should summarize the key points of the blog post, provide clear takeaways for the reader, and contain a call to action.

Can I include personal anecdotes in my conclusion?

Personal anecdotes can be included in a conclusion. They humanize the content, making it more relatable for readers. However, the anecdote should be relevant to the blog post’s topic and contribute to your final points or takeaways.

Should I use statistics or case studies in my conclusion?

If relevant, integrating statistics or case studies in your conclusion strengthens your arguments by providing concrete evidence. However, ensure they directly reinforce the points made in your content, enhancing credibility and compelling readers to act on your conclusion’s suggestions.

How many calls to action should I include in my conclusion?

The blog post conclusion should include at least one clear call to action (CTA). However, avoid cluttering it with multiple CTAs as it can confuse readers. Make your CTA concise, persuasive, and relevant to the content for the best results.

Can I use humor in my blog post conclusion?

Humor can be effective in a blog post’s conclusion if it aligns with your article’s tone and brand voice. However, it should be used appropriately and not detract from the main message or action you want your readers to take.

What is the conclusion of blogs?

A blog post conclusion is the final section that summarizes the content’s key points, reinforces the article’s main messages, provides clear takeaways, and often includes a call to action. It’s essential to leave a lasting impression and encourage reader interaction.

What can I say instead of conclusion in a blog?

Instead of ‘conclusion’, you may use phrases such as ‘Final Thoughts’, ‘To Sum Up’, ‘In Summary’, ‘Recap’, ‘Key Takeaways’, or ‘Wrapping Up’ to indicate the end of your blog post. These alternative phrases maintain clarity and reader engagement.

Blog Writing
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Eric Melillo is a HubSpot-certified digital marketer with over 25 years of experience and a co-founder of an international digital agency that has amassed $100MM in revenue across hundreds of brands. Recognized in Entrepreneur and Forbes, he's a respected industry leader. Eric is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to build financial security through blogging and affiliate marketing.

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