How to Find Keywords for Etsy: SEO Success Guide


How to find keywords for etsy

Struggling to find the right keywords for your Etsy listings? You’re not alone. Many sellers face this challenge, uncertain how to stand out in a crowded marketplace. But a well-chosen keyword can be the difference between being found and overlooked.

The solution lies in understanding your audience and using tools like Etsy’s search bar and keyword research tools to uncover terms your customers are searching for. You can improve your shop’s searchability and attract more buyers by targeting these keywords.

My direct experience optimizing Etsy shops for clients has proven that strategic keyword research significantly boosts visibility and sales. Leveraging this expertise can transform your shop’s performance, making your products more discoverable to the right customers.​

Importance of Keywords

Etsy SEO Success

Implement SEO strategies effectively to boost visibility on Etsy. Optimize listings with relevant keywords for higher rankings. Utilize tools like Marmalead for improved results.

Choosing Right Keywords

Select keywords based on customer search behavior. Avoid irrelevant or overly generic terms. Focus on accuracy and relevance to attract the right audience.

Fact: As of February 2022, decor-related keywords on Etsy experienced a staggering 2,324% year-over-year growth. This shows the immense potential of keyword optimization in driving traffic and sales on Etsy. It clearly indicates that understanding and utilizing the right keywords can significantly boost your visibility and business on the platform.

Evidence-Based Selection

To enhance SEO performance, base keyword choices on data, searches, and research to reach target customers with the right keywords. Validate keyword effectiveness using tools like Marmalead. Ensure keywords are backed by evidence for optimal results.

Preparatory Steps

Understanding Etsy SEO

Etsy SEO revolves around keywords important for search visibility, attracting potential customers, and optimizing product searches. Regularly updating your knowledge of Etsy SEO practices is essential for success.

To excel in Etsy SEO, it’s vital to grasp the significance of keywords and popular search terms. These terms directly impact how potential buyers on the platform discover your products.

Always keep yourself informed about the latest trends and strategies in Etsy SEO to optimize your products for popular search terms and shopper search queries. Staying updated ensures you implement the most effective techniques to boost your shop’s visibility.

Keyword Research Basics

For successful keyword research on Etsy, start with understanding the basics. Dive into exploring relevant keywords that resonate with your products and target audience.

To reach a broader customer base, explore different variations of keywords related to your products. This strategy helps you attract diverse customers searching for similar items.

Consider experimenting with long-tail keywords as part of your research strategy. These phrases cater to niche markets, increasing the chances of reaching interested buyers.

Discovering Keywords

Etsy search bar
Etsy search bar

The Etsy search bar is a goldmine for keyword ideas. Start by typing relevant terms to see suggestions. Analyze popular searches to spot emerging trends and adjust your listings accordingly. Understanding customer search intent is crucial for optimizing your keywords effectively.

Google Insights

Harness the power of Google Insights to track keyword trends. Evaluate search volume and competition levels for different keywords. This data helps refine your Etsy SEO strategy, ensuring you target the most effective keywords for maximum visibility.

Pinterest Inspiration

Explore popular pins and trending topics on Pinterest to find fresh keyword ideas. Pay attention to the keywords that reflect current interests and preferences. Incorporating these Pinterest-inspired keywords into your Etsy listings can attract more potential buyers.

Analyzing Performance

Listing Stats

Monitor listing performance closely to evaluate the effectiveness of the keywords used. Utilize data analytics tools to track views, clicks, and conversions. Identify trends in performance over time to make informed decisions.

Analyze stats such as click-through rates and conversion rates to pinpoint the most effective keywords. Look for patterns in customer behavior based on keyword usage. Adjust your keyword strategy based on these insights for optimal results.

Use listing stats to refine your keyword strategy continuously. Experiment with different keywords and monitor their impact on your listings. Review and update your keyword choices regularly to stay ahead of competitors.

High-Performing Keywords

Identify and prioritize high-performing keywords that drive significant traffic and sales. Focus on keywords that resonate well with your target audience. Constantly monitor and adjust your keyword selection based on performance data.

Optimize your listings with keywords and a proven track record of driving traffic and conversions. Strategically incorporate these high-performing keywords into your titles, tags, and product descriptions. Ensure consistency across all aspects of your listing.

Track the performance of high-performing keywords diligently to gauge their effectiveness over time. Keep an eye on changes in search trends and consumer preferences. Adapt your keyword strategy accordingly to maintain competitiveness.

Crafting Listings

Compelling Titles

Craft compelling titles by strategically placing keywords to attract search engines and customers. Experiment with various title versions to determine the most impactful one.

Polishing Titles

Optimize titles for SEO by including relevant keywords while ensuring they appeal to potential buyers. Test different title styles to find the most effective format.

Styling Tips

Enhance listing descriptions using engaging language that captivates buyers’ attention. Employ styling techniques to make listings visually appealing and stand out from competitors.

Incorporate keywords naturally within the listing description to improve searchability while maintaining a seamless reading experience for potential customers.

Etsy Tags

How do I find the right tags for Etsy?

To find the right tags for your Etsy shop effectively, follow these strategic steps:

  1. Maximize Tag Usage: Etsy allows up to 13 tags per listing, and using all of them optimizes your chances of matching with a shopper’s search. Make sure to fill all available tag slots with relevant keywords[1][2].
  2. Choose Multi-Word Phrases: Tags can be up to 20 characters long. Using multi-word phrases rather than single words is more beneficial to capture detailed and precise search intents. For example, “handmade silver necklace” is more effective than just “handmade” and “necklace” separately[3].
  3. Leverage Keyword Tools: Use Etsy SEO tools like Marmalead or eRank to find effective keywords based on your product and niche. These tools can help analyze what’s working for your competitors and suggest tags that might improve your visibility[4][5].
  4. Consider Long-Tail Keywords: Target less competitive, specific phrases that describe your product’s unique aspects, such as “boho embroidered summer dress” instead of just “summer dress”. Long-tail keywords often convert better as they catch buyers with more specific intentions[6].
  5. Use Synonyms and Regional Terms: Include variations and regional synonyms to cover a wider range of search terms. For example, use both “pants” and “trousers” if you sell clothing to capture different terminologies used by shoppers from various locations[7].
  6. Refresh Your Tags Regularly: Keep your tags updated based on Etsy’s Shop Stats performance analytics. Replace underperforming tags with new keywords that might attract more traffic and sales[8][9].

By following these strategies, you can enhance the discoverability of your products on Etsy, targeting the right audience and potentially increasing your shop’s sales.

Tagging Dos and Don’ts

Adhere to best practices when tagging products on Etsy to improve visibility and reach. Avoid stuffing tags with irrelevant keywords, which can harm your listing’s performance.

Optimize tags by using broad and specific keywords to describe your product and attract the right audience accurately.

Brainstorming Ideas

Generate fresh keyword ideas through collaborative brainstorming sessions with peers or friends familiar with your niche. Utilize creative thinking to develop unique keyword combinations that set your listings apart.

Leveraging Categories and Attributes

Effective Categories

Choosing relevant categories is crucial for boosting your products’ visibility on Etsy. Accurately categorizing your items can significantly improve their chances of appearing in relevant search results. Optimize your category selection to enhance your listings’ SEO performance.

When selecting categories, consider the most appropriate ones that align closely with your product. This alignment ensures potential customers can easily find your items when browsing specific categories. By optimizing this aspect, you increase the likelihood of reaching a broader audience interested in your offerings.

To further improve visibility, ensure each product is placed in the most suitable category. This precision enhances the chances of displaying your listings to users searching for similar products. By fine-tuning this process, you can maximize exposure and attract more potential buyers to your Etsy store.

Improving with Attributes

Utilizing attributes effectively can provide valuable details about your products. Including specific attributes helps customers understand key features and benefits, leading to informed purchasing decisions. Optimize attribute selection to enhance the searchability of your listings.

Attributes offer an opportunity to highlight unique aspects of your products, such as materials used, sizes available, or customization options. By leveraging these attributes strategically, you can showcase what sets your items apart from others on Etsy. This differentiation can capture the attention of discerning buyers seeking specific qualities in their purchases.

Enhancing listings with detailed attributes improves customer experience and contributes to higher search rankings. Search algorithms consider attributes when matching user queries with relevant listings. Incorporating comprehensive and accurate attributes increases the likelihood of your products being prominently featured in search results.

Targeting and Styling

Audience Specific Keywords

Tailor keywords to suit different customer segments, ensuring relevance and visibility for diverse audiences.

Utilize a specific language that resonates with each target group, enhancing the chances of attracting the right buyers. Personalizing keywords based on audience preferences increases the likelihood of conversion.

Shopping Occasions

Add keywords that align with seasonal trends or special events to optimize visibility during peak shopping. Including holiday-specific terms makes your listings more searchable for shoppers seeking products for particular occasions.

Targeting customers looking for items related to specific events enhances your listing’s visibility.

Solution-Oriented Keywords

Emphasize keywords that showcase the benefits and solutions offered by your products, effectively addressing customer needs.

By incorporating phrases that resonate with buyer pain points, you can capture the attention of motivated shoppers actively seeking solutions. Using solution-oriented keywords boosts engagement and drives conversions.

Advanced Tools and Techniques

Other Keyword Tools

Explore alternative keyword tools to gain more insights into popular search terms. Experiment with tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. Compare the results of these tools to refine your keyword selection process effectively.

Consider using Google Trends to identify trending keywords and topics. This tool provides valuable data on search volume trends over time, helping you stay updated with the latest search trends. Tools like Ubersuggest can suggest related keywords based on your initial search query.

  • Experiment with Google Keyword Planner
  • Try out SEMrush and Ahrefs for detailed analysis
  • Utilize Google Trends to track search volume trends
  • Explore Ubersuggest for additional keyword suggestions

Marmalead for Keywords

Use Marmalead as a comprehensive tool for conducting in-depth keyword research. Leverage Marmalead’s features, such as the “Competitor Analysis” and “Listing Grader,” to optimize your Etsy listings effectively. Benefit from Marmalead’s insights to improve your overall keyword strategy on Etsy.

Marmalead offers a unique opportunity to analyze competitor keywords, understand market trends, and identify high-performing keywords. This tool can enhance your listings’ visibility and attract potential buyers to your Etsy shop.

  1. Use Marmalead’s “Competitor Analysis” feature
  2. Optimize listings with the help of Marmalead’s “Listing Grader”
  3. Analyze market trends and high-performing keywords
  4. Enhance visibility and attract more buyers to your Etsy shop

Final Thoughts

Finding the best keywords for your Etsy shop enhances visibility and attracts the right customers. My strategy is rooted in understanding customer searches and leveraging tools like Etsy’s search bar, Google Insights, and Marmalead, which addresses the essential need to stand out in a competitive marketplace.

I’m eager to hear your insights or challenges in finding those perfect keywords. Sharing experiences enriches our knowledge base and fosters community learning.

I look forward to more insights and strategies on harnessing Etsy SEO to keep your shop thriving.


How do I find the best keywords for my Etsy shop?

Use the Etsy search bar to enter a broad keyword related to your product. Observe the suggestions in the drop-down menu, which reflect the most popular and relevant searches.

What is the best research tool for Etsy?

Alura is considered one of the best tools for Etsy SEO and market research, providing valuable data on sales estimates, listing tags, and messages to buyers, enhancing search engine optimization and market strategy.

Are Etsy tags the same as keywords?

Etsy tags are used primarily for search engine optimization rather than direct customer searches, although they often contain popular keywords to improve product visibility and ranking in search results.

Does Etsy have a keyword tool?

Yes, Etsy provides a keyword tool that utilizes an advanced algorithm to uncover high-ranking keywords that are not typically visible through standard research methods, helping to optimize product listings for better visibility and sales.

Keyword Research
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Eric Melillo is a HubSpot-certified digital marketer with over 25 years of experience and a co-founder of an international digital agency that has amassed $100MM in revenue across hundreds of brands. Recognized in Entrepreneur and Forbes, he's a respected industry leader. Eric is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to build financial security through blogging and affiliate marketing.

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